Q: We know the CHP and local police can’t be everywhere catching speeders. Is there a way the general public can help? Young people go speeding down Hopkins Drive and Capitol Expressway in East San Jose every day. The fire department says speed bumps won’t work.

Maybe modern technology can help by recording speeders on video. Let’s try being proactive and save lives before an accident occurs. There are hundreds of children and seniors walking our streets, not to mention bike riding is more and more popular each year. Will it help if I video-record a speeder and send it to police?

Nasario Gutierrez, San Jose

A: You can try, but videos are most helpful in injury collisions. Catching someone going 45 mph in a 30-mph zone on a video won’t do much good. But here is what might: speed cameras.

The statewide Zero Traffic Fatalities Task Force could recommend a proposal later this year to test automated cameras on city streets in San Francisco and Santa Clara County. The proposal would be to conduct a five-year pilot automated camera project to slow speeders in the two counties.

San Jose police Chief Eddie Garcia sees speed cameras as a way to supplement his modest traffic-enforcement unit and reduce crashes, much of which has long been diverted to street patrols due to short staffing.

“Speed is a major cause here in San Jose,” he said. “This would enhance our ability to reduce traffic fatalities and traffic accidents.”

In a collision between a vehicle and a pedestrian or bicyclist, a person hit by a car traveling 20 mph has a 9-in-10 chance of surviving. At 40 mph, that goes down to a 1-in-10 chance.

Q: Perhaps I am alone in this but I prefer you stick to straight road stuff. Too many people hang on your every word as gospel. While your advice regarding keeping windows on our cars lowered three inches could be correct to fend off the COVID-19 virus, please let the doctors and scientists be the ones to provide advice on this.

Russ Van Dyne, San Jose

A: And …

Q: The last thing we need is medical advice from Mr. Roadshow. Especially bad medical advice.

David Singletary 

A: That information came from a new Harvard-led study that opening a car window slightly can help keep COVID-19 from spreading in vehicles. Because modern cars can be airtight, if the virus is present, it has nowhere to go and is spread more easily to people inside the vehicle, the study says.

But by lowering windows a mere 3 inches, the risk of spreading the virus drops significantly, the study also shows.

Join Gary Richards for an hourlong chat noon Wednesday at https://ift.tt/27E9ALQ. Look for Gary Richards at Facebook.com/mr.roadshow, or contact him at mrroadshow@bayareanewsgroup.com or 408-920-5335.