
POLITICO Playbook: The day has come - Politico

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IT’S BEEN SAID BEFORE, through self-inflicted crises and global tumult. But now, it’s truer than ever: the next two days are the most pivotal in DONALD TRUMP’S presidency.

WITH ONE-THIRD OF THE COUNTRY relegated to their homes, the stock market at 2017 levels and a disease crowding hospitals and taking lives, TRUMP needs a Congress with which he has a rocky relationship to deliver him a massive legislative package in the next several days -- or else.

TRUMP ISN’T IN THE MIDDLE OF IT, and people involved in the matter say that’s for the better. But it’s Senate Majority Leader MITCH MCCONNELL, Senate Minority Leader CHUCK SCHUMER, Speaker NANCY PELOSI and Treasury Secretary STEVEN MNUCHIN who are trying to guide the historic package to completion this weekend.

THE PACKAGE -- which, Larry Kudlow said this morning is nearing 10% of GDP or $2 trillion, per Sarah Ferris -- would inject money into an economy begging for it during this crisis of unmatched severity.

THE FATE OF TRUMP’S PRESIDENCY -- and the American economy -- is in the hands of a Congress and federal bureaucracy he has spent years berating.

ALL SIDES sound hopeful about getting a deal today or tomorrow, but some hard bargaining will be required.

JOHN BRESNAHAN and MARIANNE LEVINE: “Senate at impasse on trillion-dollar coronavirus package”: “Among the unresolved issues are increased unemployment insurance payments, significant financial assistance for hospitals and health-care providers to treat coronavirus victims, and a proposed ‘State Stabilization Fund,’ which is intended to address billions of dollars in looming revenue shortfalls suffered by state governments during the emergency. But Republicans believe that Democrats won't block any rescue bill over fear of the potential political fallout.”

WHAT’S NEXT FOR D.C. … WASHINGTON ALWAYS HAS A WAY of adapting. And now that the global economy is in crisis, official Washington is entering an extended period of activity -- a time for both reinvention, expansion and potential contraction.

JUST A FEW WEEKS AGO, the city’s hordes of consultants, operatives and Capitol Hill aides were focused on the election, hoping to position themselves for opportunities to come. Nothing major was expected to get done in Congress before the fall.

NOW K STREET has gone into overdrive. Industries are hastily organizing conference calls to swap intel as lawmakers pull together the first of what will likely be a series of economic rescue packages. Trade associations -- confronting the potential wipeout of entire sectors -- are putting out urgent appeals for help. WSJ’s Brody Mullins and Ted Mann on the lobbying game

YOU MIGHT THINK that companies would shed Washington offices in times of market turmoil. But the financial meltdown of 2008 showed otherwise. Big banks didn’t lay off D.C. hands or outside consultants -- although top-shelf firms like Lehman Brothers and Countrywide vanished, along with their D.C. shops.

AS OF NOW, there hasn’t been a move to cut back in D.C. In fact, some veteran lobbyists told us they will try to use the uncertainty to show their value. For once, Washington isn’t seen as a costly place where companies have to spend money -- it’s now central to the bottom line and a crucial intermediary between C-Suite executives and Congress.

WITH THIS CRISIS COMES OPPORTUNITY FOR SOME. Think of Big Tech. They’ve been the whipping boys of the right and left for years. But this pandemic has given them an opening to change the narrative. Lawmakers will be less likely to rumble with companies that are pitching in.

WE’RE NOW IN AN ERA OF BIG SPENDING. Congress and the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION seem to not care at all about the price tag of legislation -- which opens the door for all sorts of interests. We are in the midst of a dramatic expansion of government. Could this be the opportunity to bring back earmarks to help cities and counties rebuild after the coronavirus crisis? This is certain to be in the conversation.

WAPO: “U.S. economy deteriorating faster than anticipated as 80 million Americans are forced to stay at home”

THEY SAW IT COMING … WAPO: “U.S. intelligence reports from January and February warned about a likely pandemic,” by Shane Harris, Greg Miller, Josh Dawsey and Ellen Nakashima: “U.S. intelligence agencies were issuing ominous, classified warnings in January and February about the global danger posed by the coronavirus while President Trump and lawmakers played down the threat and failed to take action that might have slowed the spread of the pathogen, according to U.S. officials familiar with spy agency reporting.

“The intelligence reports didn’t predict when the virus might land on U.S. shores or recommend particular steps that public health officials should take, issues outside the purview of the intelligence agencies. But they did track the spread of the virus in China, and later in other countries, and warned that Chinese officials appeared to be minimizing the severity of the outbreak.

“Taken together, the reports and warnings painted an early picture of a virus that showed the characteristics of a globe-encircling pandemic that could require governments to take swift actions to contain it.

“But despite that constant flow of reporting, Trump continued publicly and privately to play down the threat the virus posed to Americans. Lawmakers, too, did not grapple with the virus in earnest until this month, as officials scrambled to keep citizens in their homes and hospitals braced for a surge in patients suffering from covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.”

NYT’S JENNA SMIALEK: “Fed Backstops Corner of Municipal Debt Markets Amid Calls for Support”: “The Federal Reserve tiptoed into the market for municipal debt on Friday, a small move that economists, lawmakers and state treasurers say should be expanded as the coronavirus places huge financial pressure on local governments.

“The Fed will now let banks tap cheap loans by pledging short-term, highly rated municipal debt as collateral. That gives banks an incentive to buy local debt from money market mutual funds, creating demand for securities that had become hard to trade amid broader financial turmoil.

“The move could keep the mutual funds, popular investments among ordinary workers and companies, from crashing as investors cash out. The funds will now be able to sell off their municipal bond holdings to satisfy those redemptions. It could also help soothe the market for local bonds -- used to finance everything from sewer projects to public transportation -- where interest rates have surged as investors flee amid coronavirus economic fears.”

WHAT AMERICA IS WAKING UP TO … Arizona Republic: “Chef worries about Breadfruit’s future” Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “Virus could squeeze Ga. budget” Indianapolis Star: “Restless shoppers, empty shelves at store” New Orleans Times-Picayune: “STAY AT HOME” Detroit Free Press: “152 Detroit cops put in quarantine” Star Tribune: “Medical supply crunch” Charlotte Observer: “NC testing kits for COVID-19 remain in short supply” Cleveland Plain Dealer: “Ohio jobless claims reach a 30-year high”

FROM BIDEN’S VIRTUAL FUNDRAISER last night: “Speaker Pelosi, I've been dealing with regularly, along with Chuck Schumer … “

Good Saturday morning.

BEN MCADAMS to CNN’S WOLF BLITZER: “I am at home, feeling about as sick as I've ever been” 2:01 video clip

THE TERRIS TREATMENT: WAPO: “Anthony Fauci was ready for this. America was not.” by Ellen McCarthy and Ben Terris: “Seventy-nine-year-old Anthony S. Fauci has become the grandfatherly captain of the corona­virus crisis. Through unrelenting appearances both in the media and onstage with the president and his lieutenants, the longtime head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has been a reliable constant in a time of uncertainty.”

OLYMPICS ON THE BRINK … USA TRACK AND FIELD has called for the postponement of the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo

-- WAPO’S SALLY JENKINS: “Shut the Olympic Games down, and do it now”

WE DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS NOW … WSJ: “North Korea Fires Two Short-Range Ballistic Missiles,” by Timothy Martin in Seoul: “North Korea test-fired two apparent short-range ballistic missiles off its east coast on Saturday morning, Seoul’s military said, as Pyongyang becomes more active following two months of relative silence.

“The Saturday launch was the North’s third weapons test this month. They have all involved what the South Korean military assumes to be short-range missiles.

“The two presumed missiles were fired from the North Pyongan province, located in the country’s northwest along the Chinese border, and splashed down into the waters between South Korea and Japan, Seoul’s military said. The two projectiles, fired at 6:45 a.m. and 6:50 a.m. local time, covered a distance of more than 250 miles and soared more than 30 miles high.”

MARC CAPUTO: “‘There’s no playbook for this’: Biden trapped in campaign limbo”: “Because Sanders won’t quit, Biden can’t fully pivot to the general election. He can’t truly unite the party’s warring factions. Nor can he begin stockpiling the vast amounts of money he’ll need for November. His momentum has effectively been stopped cold.”

POLITICAL OBIT … NYT’S ALEX BURNS and JONATHAN MARTIN: “How It All Came Apart for Bernie Sanders”

NYT’S SHANE GOLDMACHER calls the BLOOMBERG campaign a “billion-dollar flop”: “Mr. Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York City, poured more than $500 million into television advertising and $100 million on digital ads during the course of his roughly 100-day campaign, according to a new filing made Friday with the Federal Election Commission. He spent tens of millions of dollars more on a raft of media consultants, pollsters and digital strategists, the filing showed.

“Mr. Bloomberg paid more than $15 million for polling, including $11.5 million to the firm of the pollster Douglas Schoen. He spent more than $11 million on the firm created by ad-maker Bill Knapp to work on the 2020 campaign and another $4.8 million on the firm of Jimmy Siegel, another ad-maker. He directed $45 million to Hawkfish LLC, a private digital firm he owned and created before he entered the race. More than $30 million was spent on direct mail. And more than $1 million on meals for his staff that swelled to more than 2,000 in a few short months.” NYT

-- ALEX THOMPSON: “Mystery Warren super PAC funder revealed”

THE PRESIDENT’S SUNDAY: THE PRESIDENT will participate in a phone call with veterans service organizations at 2 p.m.

-- THE CORONAVIRUS taskforce will brief at noon.


JON MEACHAM in the Washington Post: “Choosing a president under a state of siege”: “As we enter a prolonged period of disease, death and economic pain, we must think hard about presidential leadership — about what we need, what we want and what we must demand. Roosevelt met the moment because of his empathy, his life experience, his faith in America and his insistence on the centrality of fact. We are almost certainly facing a choice in November between Donald Trump and former vice president Joe Biden. So, it’s time to ask: Which of these men is more likely to approximate our greatest 20th-century crisis president? …

“Donald Trump won’t be the last American president. But history — ancient and recent — tells us that, come November, we ought to make Joe Biden the next one.”

CLICKER -- “The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics,” edited by Matt Wuerker -- 16 keepers

GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Margy Slattery and the staff of POLITICO Magazine:

-- “Inside the National Quarantine Center, There Is No Fear of Coronavirus. There Is Only Urgency,” by Tom Chiarella in Esquire: “Esquire was granted exclusive access to the nation’s only federal quarantine and biocontainment center in Nebraska. We met the people who work there, and they are as extraordinary—and as courageous—as you think they are.” Esquire

-- “Coronavirus Will Change the World Permanently. Here’s How: A crisis on this scale can reorder society in dramatic ways, for better or worse. Here are 34 big thinkers’ predictions for what’s to come.” POLITICO Magazine

-- “The Accusations Were Lies. But Could We Prove It?” by Sarah Viren in NYT Magazine: “When the university told my wife about the sexual-harassment complaints against her, we knew they weren’t true. We had no idea how strange the truth really was.” NYT Magazine

-- “The School Shooting That Austin Forgot,” by Robert Draper in Texas Monthly’s April issue: “In 1978, an eighth grader killed his teacher. After 20 months in a psychiatric facility, he was freed. His classmates still wonder: What really happened?” Texas Monthly

-- “How Disaster Aid Ravaged an Island People,” by Ajay Saini and Simron J. Singh in Scientific American’s April issue: “The 2004 tsunami devastated the Nicobar Islanders, but what came next was arguably worse.” Scientific American

-- “Fiona Apple’s Art of Radical Sensitivity,” by Emily Nussbaum in The New Yorker: “For years, the elusive singer-songwriter has been working, at home, on an album with a strikingly raw and percussive sound. But is she prepared to release it into the world?” New Yorker

-- “How Mindy Thomas Became Your Kids’ Favorite Podcast Star,” by Joe Tone in Washingtonian: “Inside Wow in the World, the juggernaut she built with Guy Raz.” Washingtonian


Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at [email protected].

MEDIAWATCH -- Jim Antle is rejoining the Washington Examiner as politics editor. He previously was editor at The American Conservative.

TRANSITION -- David O’Brien will be director of strategic comms at the National Association of Manufacturers. He previously was senior comms manager at CRAFT | Media/Digital.

BIRTHDAYS: Jonah Goldberg, a fellow at AEI and editor in chief of The Dispatch, is 51 … PCCC co-founder Adam Green … Ken Spain, founding partner at Narrative Strategies DC ... John Berman, co-anchor of CNN’s “New Day,” is 48 … WaPo’s Amy Joyce … Cenk Uygur is 5-0 (h/t Fred Kipter) … Grafton Pritchartt … Alex Wilkes, SVP at America Rising Corp. ... Fred Fielding, partner at Morgan Lewis, is 81 ... Elizabeth Hines ... Brian Ellner, North America corporate practice lead at BCW Global ... Dan Wilson, SVP at Mercury, is 37 … John Galloway ... Pfizer’s Sharon Castillo ... POLITICO’s Beatrice Jin ... Melissa Mattoon … Kayla Wingbermuehle … Lynn Hidalgo … Sophie Theis …

… Andrew Bleeker, president and founder of Bully Pulpit Interactive (h/t Scott Mulhauser) … Matt Gerson, principal at FocusDC and founder of Tracy’s Kids (h/ts Jon Haber) … Dina Rasor … Stephen Marche … former Rep. Jim Matheson (D-Utah) is 6-0 … Dana Martin is 36 ... Kaitlyn Shimmin … Jason Scism … Katie Vicars ... Richard Barkauskas … Ross Kyle, COS at Van Scoyoc Associates … Michelle Franco … Sarah Cottrell … James McMaster … Keith Rabin … Patrick Rhode is 51 ... Lisa Caplan ... Teresa Skala … Mike Collins … Sayeh Tavangar … Devin Nagy … John Kalitka … Alex Spillius … Scott Raab ... Mirela Krawczyk ... Talin Sardarbegian ... Eric Stecklow … Andrew Brown … Nicole Bohannon

THE SHOWS, by Matt Mackowiack, filing from Austin:

-- NBC’s “Meet the Press”: Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan. Panel: David French, Jeh Johnson, Doris Kearns Goodwin and Kristen Welker.

-- CBS’ “Face the Nation”: Anthony Fauci … Fred Smith …Gary Cohn … Richard J. Pollack … Scott Gottlieb.

-- “Fox News Sunday”: Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. … Dr. Tom Frieden. Panel: Karl Rove, Donna Brazile and Marty Makary. … “Power Player of the Week” segment (rerun): Lisa Marie Riggins (substitute anchor: Fox News’ John Roberts).

-- CNN’s “State of the Union”: FEMA Administrator Peter Gaynor. Panel: Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-Fla.), Vivek Murthy, Jennifer Lee and Lanhee Chen.

-- ABC’s “This Week”: Guests to be announced. Panel: Chris Christie, Rahm Emanuel, Mary Bruce and Tom Bossert.

-- CNN’s “Inside Politics”: Maggie Haberman, Toluse Olorunnipa, Jeff Zeleny, Jackie Kucinich … Mark Zandi, Jeanna Smialek, Ashish Jha and Megan Ranney.

-- CNN’s “Reliable Sources”: Sally Buzbee, Jeffrey Goldberg and Matt Murray … Carl Bernstein and Dan Rather … Julie Roginsky and Max Boot.

-- Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures”: acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf … Peter Navarro … Steve Bannon … Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) … Alex Gorsky.

-- Fox News’ “MediaBuzz”: Stephanie Grisham … Mollie Hemingway … Ray Suarez … Leslie Marshall … Carley Shimkus.

-- Gray TV’s “Full Court Press with Greta Van Susteren”: Deborah Birx … Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer … Tom Frieden.

-- Sinclair TV’s “America This Week with Eric Bolling”: Mehmet Oz … Anthony Fauci … K.T. McFarland.

-- Univision’s “Al Punto”: Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-Fla.) … Elmer Huerta … José Andrés … Pedro Jimenez … J Balvin.

-- C-SPAN: “The Communicators”: National Association of Broadcasters President & CEO Gordon Smith, questioned by Communications Daily’s Jonathan Make … “Newsmakers”: AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, questioned by USA Today’s Nathan Bomey … “Q&A”: author Christian McMillen.

-- “Mack on Politics” weekly politics podcast with Matt Mackowiak (download on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify or Stitcher): Tony Fratto.

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