August 10, 2020

Albany, NY

With More Than 16 Million Unemployed, NGA Chair Governor Cuomo and Vice Chair Hutchinson Call on Federal Leaders to Work Together on Real Solutions for Workers and Aid to States.

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, the chair of the National Governors Association, and Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, the NGA vice chair, today reacted to Congress' failure to reach a compromise on a new coronavirus relief package last week and the President's subsequent memorandum to provide some supplemental unemployment benefits by using disaster-relief funds.


"The devastating economic effects of this unprecedented public health crisis are being felt by Americans all across this great nation. Governors not only have led from the front lines to protect our citizens, but also have worked to provide relief to every unemployed American who has been negatively impacted by COVID-19. We recognize the federal partnership in which Congress and the Administration have worked together with states to provide much-needed financial assistance during this crisis. We appreciate the White House's proposals to provide additional solutions to address economic challenges; however, we are concerned by the significant administrative burdens and costs this latest action would place on the states. 


"The best way forward is for the Congress and the Administration to get back to the negotiating table and come up with a workable solution, which should provide meaningful additional relief for American families. NGA has requested $500 billion in unrestricted state aid and NGA continues to urge Congress and the White House to reach a quick resolution to provide immediate assistance to unemployed Americans. This resolution should avoid new administrative and fiscal burdens on states. It is essential that our federal partners work together to find common ground to help restore our nation's health and protect our economy."

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